
Review + Giveaway: Passion Potion by Mary Beth Daniels

I recently participated in a Cover Reveal Blitz for the book Passion Potion and after that I got contacted by Mary Beth Daniels, asking if I was interested in reviewing her book. Now who am I to refuse such a sweet request, so I gladly accepted and you can read my review down below. Mary Beth was even so kind to share her inspiration for Passion Potion and I can completely find myself in that ever wondering what if question. Also to celebrate the release of Passion Potion, Mary Beth is giving away a cash prize, some signed books and both of her ebooks.

Passion Potion by Mary Beth Daniels
As a young girl, I was crazy influenced by love stories. I remember very well the song Love Potion #9 and the idea was very alluring. Could someone really make someone fall in love with them with a potion?

Obviously I never grew out of this, as just a few months ago I picked up a pheromone concoction that supposedly makes people attracted to you. I told my girlfriends who were with me that I just thought it was hilarious, but that little girl in me still wondered – what if?

I got home and sprayed it to see if maybe my cat would love me a bit more, but the scent was HORRIBLE. Nobody would want to be within twenty feet of me! Especially my cat!

I threw it away.

But the notion persisted, and I’m thrilled to have released a book where my dream became a story-reality, even if it has the most disastrous consequence imaginable in the book!

I had a blast writing it, and I’m giving away so many things with my release! If you comment on the blog, I’ll see it, and I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to hear what celebrity you would use a passion potion on, if you could get away with it! (Chris Hemsworth! Swoon!)

Passion Potion is 99 cents for a few days only!

Find it on Amazon, BN, Kobo, AllRomance, and signed paperbacks.

You can find me on Twitter, Tumblr, or Pinterest. I especially love witchy pins and image shares!

*I received a copy from the author in exchange for an honest review*
Jet is a Nix, the daughter of an Enchantress who went outside her bloodlines. No one helps a Nix, and even though her father is in deep trouble with Dei Lucrii, a Dark Enchanter who paid her family an extraordinary sum to make a passion potion, Jet has no way to fix the powerful spell that killed her mother.

But someone is watching her. A very handsome someone whose face appears in a pewter bowl her mother always kept close by.

Could the boy be the secret to avoiding the curse of the Nix? Or is he the sort of distraction Jet REALLY can’t afford at a time like this?

Passion Potion is a paranormal new adult romance from the author of the romantic comedy hit Heteroflexibility.
Passion Potion is very fast paced and doesn't allow any BS. It's written very straight to the point,  mostly dialogue and action, without too much description. This all gives it a very Young Adult kind of feeling, except there are some sexy scenes which are not so suited for the younger audience. But I liked this combination; the passion from new adult without the angst and the action from young adult without the chemistry being too platonic.

So when the story starts you pretty much get thrown in and you better start swimming if you don't want to drown. Jet just discovers she's a witch, kind of. She's a Nix, which means she's half enchantress, half human and this somehow makes her dangerous to other enchanters. Apparently she has to make this potion, which her mom failed at, to save her dad and her home.

Considering Jet's got about a week time to do this, she will need some help. The only problem, no one is willing to help her. Her dad knows nothing, her mom's talking ferret refuses to help and if anybody else wants to help they can't or they may lose their magic. So she's pretty much stuck on her own, trying to figure things out.

Except maybe there might be one person who will risk helping her. Among her mom's stuff is a pewter bowl in which Jet can sometimes sees a very handsome guy, named Caleb. Now Jet and Caleb are connected and the attraction between them causes some major sparks, literally. Caleb can't fight how he feels about Jet and tries to help her in any way he can.

Still not everything is as clear as it seems; making the potion, give it to the seller and everything is okay. Yeah, not that simple. Jet has to make a Passion Potion, which is forbidden because they are not allowed to interfere with love. Since Jet knows nothing about the enchanter world, she still has so much to learn and unfortunately for her there isn't the time. So she's entitled to a couple of hysterical moments, but overall she's keeping it strong.

Her lack of knowledge does keep getting her into trouble while she's trying to make that potion. Now people are after her, she may or may not have found her future husband, finding out she's a Nix is only the beginning as more and more secrets get revealed. All in all she has become a magnet for trouble.

Passion Potion was a very fast paced and fun read. Sarcastic comments are flying all around, we've got magic, romance, action, a heroine who is kind of fearless, conspiracy theories...what more could you want!

It's actually 3,5 stars for this book!

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