
Excerpt & Giveaway: The Howling Heart by April Bostic

Paige Donovan is an ambitious college graduate who aspires to reach the top of the corporate ladder. She’s climbing fast when given the promotion of a lifetime at a prestigious fashion magazine in New York City. Her bright future comes to an unexpected halt after news of her father’s death. She inherits his old cabin in the Colorado Rockies, and just when she thinks her luck couldn’t get any worse, she has a car accident in the mountains and awakens in the small, remote community of Black River.

Soon, she’s engulfed in the mystical world of Varulv---wolves descended from 13th century Scandinavia and blessed by Norse gods with the ability to appear human. Paige is desperate to return home, but never expects to fall for her rescuer, Riley Gray, a charming young werewolf from England who offers her an alternate future with his pack.

Now, she must choose between the career she’s always wanted and the love she’s always dreamed.


I stood in the hardware section looking at flashlights, when I suddenly felt someone staring at me. I tried to remain inconspicuous as I glanced to my left without turning my head. At the end of the aisle stood a slender, young man at least six feet tall, wearing a red and black plaid, flannel shirt with cut-off sleeves. Lean muscles flexed on his bicep as he grabbed something off the shelf. His bare arms revealed a tattoo on his right shoulder, but I wasn't close enough to read it.

He must've felt my gaze on him, because he looked over at me. The sun gently kissed his skin with a golden tan, and his full lips spread into a charming grin. He had a clean-shaven, square jaw and sharp cheekbones that would make any woman envious. His sandy blonde hair flowed like waves and curled softly on the ends, brushing his ears and collar. A few, untamed strands fell in his eyes, making his hair appear disheveled. There was no doubt in my mind he was handsome.

Immediately, a heat wave crashed beneath my skin...and I knew it wasn’t due to the summer weather. I blushed under his steady gaze and looked away in an attempt to ignore him. For some reason, I couldn't control myself. My gaze kept finding his. A smirk played on his lips—the color of a summer peach—and I wondered if they tasted as sweet.

Connect with April Bostic


Total Book Geek


  1. Thanks for being on the tour, Athena!

  2. Thanks for the giveaway! Oh and the bracelet looks so pretty! :)
